As Easter approaches, chocolate becomes a popular treat. While we often hear about the downsides of sugary snacks for our teeth, there’s good news for chocolate lovers. Recent research suggests that dark chocolate, in particular, might actually have benefits for your oral health.

One of the joys of watching your baby grow is seeing that first toothy smile. It’s not just adorable; it’s a sign that it’s time to start caring for those tiny teeth. At Kingsgate Dental, we believe it’s never too early to begin good dental habits.

Introducing Rob Hetherington, our new Associate Dentist, joins the Practice today. With a Diploma in Orthodontics Rob enjoys straightening smiles with Invisalign and fixed braces.

Some of you who have been to the practice lately may have noticed a bit of a refresh to our reception area and stationery.

Kingsgate Dental is finally online. With the launch of our new website we hope to make it easier for patients to find out useful information about the practice and to get in touch.